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Added 1st February 2011 by FranDaman


Buzzcocks, The Drones, Nervous Breakdown

One of my favourite items from the period. The fanzine "God is a Newt" says everything you need to know about the punk ethos. Most of the text is hand written, the cover has been hand coloured with felt pens and the whole effect is that it looks like it was assembled while wearing mittens - I love it!
Add to that the fact that the writing is intelligent and funny and you have a masterpiece.

So if your name is Helen and you used to live in Sudbury Road, Hazel Grove, my admiration crosses the decades.

Latest Discussion

“bloody great! love it...”
02 Feb 2011
“I remember Helen interviewing us for that fanzine in Pips nightclub. She was lovely but rather put out when we verbally abused her and her middle class accent lol”
05 Feb 2011
“wow thanks for posting that, helen and I had a little hand cranked printer that failed to print so we did indeed have to hand write over everything and colour in with felt pens. mittens were optional. Pete Shelley was lovely to interview, he even made us beans on toast. later issues were equally shambolic. FranDaman - is there any chance of you doing me a copy of it. I'll colour it in myself, I practiced on about a hundred odd of this one.”
19 Feb 2011
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