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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 22nd January 2011 by dubwise-er


Live For The Weekend

Last of these “Breakout” music papers; this one June ’85 with a close up of Max Headroom in a pensive mood on the cover. This scan of M/c band Live For The Weekend who seemed to have been smooth operators . Any review that claims “the songs themselves excel in the fact that they don’t make you feel any more suicidal than before” (??) seems to be a case of damning with ever so faint praise, or is having a spinal tap moment; (look forward to seeing that film one day.....). Also the comment at the end stating no-one expects good bands to come from M/c...Well in ’85 I think things may not have been excitement to the max, but things were going along nicely nicely as I recall; it’s a different perspective all the same. Not sure if I ever clocked this band; there was definitely a lot going on around the town, it being the International Youth Year and all.....
(just saw the upload and realise it's too small to read....don't know if it's possible to enlarge these images on a screen; probably is if you have the technology/ know-how...)

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