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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 17th January 2011 by Ed Zone


Membership Card
The Hacienda

I am vague on the dates of this version of the membership card to be honest. I think they introduced them after nearly losing their licence one time. I never actually used this card because i had long stopped visiting as a punter. Also I was actually barred from the Hacienda for a while. This was slightly inconvenient because i was actually in the employment of Factory at the time so needed to cross the threshold of the place to go to work once in a while. It all stemmed from a small 'disagreement' with the 'Head of Security' about what constitutes 'respect'. I have a feeling i was given this card in some sort of bizzare ritual where no-one lost face, i got to go work unmolested and the 'Head of Security' could claim a tiny victory over the poor sods at Factory who lined his pockets. Anyway - he is no longer with us and i still have the card and a funny story to tell - so in the game of life i guess that makes me the winner doesnt it?

Latest Discussion

“Love your stories, Ed!”
18 Jan 2011
“All i have left is my stories Abigail (and a house full of useless crap like this)”
18 Jan 2011
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