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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 12th January 2011 by bolection

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Electric circus


The Electric Circus
10th November 1976

Buzzcocks at the Electric Circus with Howard Devoto on vocals.

Latest Discussion

“check out them Loon pants!”
13 Jan 2011
“Getting hold of 'straight leg' jeans in '76 in Manchester was almost impossible until some enterprising stall holder in the underground market got some in. I think I must have been amongst his first customers. Early punks before that had been known to wrap gaffer tape around the bottom of their flares to achieve that straight leg look. Great Pic though.”
13 Jan 2011
“mmmmm, a nice bit of crushed velvet/courdaroy aswell !”
13 Jan 2011
“Yeah, i remember sewing up the seams of my jeans so they looked skinnier. Cut off the blood supply somewhat and then had to unpick em to get em off!”
17 Jan 2011
“This date was a gig with Chelsea and I'm sure I was there! I thought there were a lot more people than this at the gig though. I think the guy in the blue anorak type top is me old mate Jon the Postman and the guy next to him in the "loons" (believe me they are NOT loons - not near flared enough) is another old pal, John Cassels. Looks suspiciously like Mr Cummins at stage left clicking!”
30 Jan 2011
“I remember this gig as hardly anyone there, it was early days in the Punk movement. I ripped up a t-shirt and wrote punk rock on the back of it, have pic somewhere. Denise”
18 May 2011
“Dee weren't you at the Holdsworth Hall gig? I think that was the first time I saw you.”
19 May 2011
“Yes. I am on facebook as Denise Shaw if you want to contact me”
20 May 2011
“Who took this photo if Kevin Cummins is in the picture??”
12 Aug 2018
“I thought these photo's where either Denise Shaws or Linder Sterlings.”
30 Dec 2018
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