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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 23rd December 2010 by dubwise-er

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Moss Side Stories


Two Thieves And A Liar, Javelo, I'll Show Harry, Kantomanto, Double C2 Electro, Direct Works, Dutch Uncle, Escalater
Hulme Carnival
16th August 1986

Programme from Hulme Carnival ’86.Can’t remember when the first one was or what year I first went to it. Seeing as it was held on the grass in front of Charles Barry Crescent, right outside my window, it was a hard event to miss. Don’t remember anyone mega playing, mostly just local bands and artists. Bit seedy today after a works Christmas do last night so will keep it brief. As Broken umbrella, (check out Flanagan and Alan re your brolly woes)....mentioned something about photos from Hulme I thought I might as well head in that direction , and at some later date write a bit of a recollection about the place as I spent a fair wack of me life there, and with the delusion of rosey-coloured glasses , in the words of Robert Nesta Marley, “got so much things to say” . It was a catalyst and hotbed for a lot of Manchester bands and artists , partly due I believe, to it almost being a police no-go zone so people could pretty much do what they wanted e.g. play music at any old hour, and also because the rents were cheap or non existent in the case of squats. On with the uploads...

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“Ha, those were the days when "Computers" were an attraction at a carnival!”
23 Apr 2015
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