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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 20 new artefacts, 24 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 14th December 2010 by dubwise-er


The New Hero's
24th July 1984

I’m sure I used to know something about this band though I might be confusing them with someone else.maybe Dislocation Dance. One day someone associated with the band may shed some light on the matter....
Got these tiny little insects crawling round the screen; f@#k knows what they are; anyway chipped away at a few more flyers........

Latest Discussion

“This was Colin Thorpe's(later of Chapter and the Verse) band. Another member was Tayo Akinbode. Can't remember the names of the rest of line-up but it was drums, bass, sax, keys, Colin and guitar and keys, Tayo on percussion and vocals and a female lead vocalist. They played dance/funk with a jazz edge.”
19 Dec 2010
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