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Added 20th November 2010 by dubwise-er


Simply Red, Joe Strong
International 1
15th June 1985

Banged on about this particular gig before...With those conosseurs of talent Piccadilly Radio, promoting the show it was like "tara Manchester, hello world" time.... for the titian-haired songster and his ging...I mean gang....
Still haven't worked out that flippin' word check thing yet. It just tells you when things are spelled wrong but doesn't tell you how to spell it right.....what's the point of that! Also this must be an American computer because it says words like colour and flyer are spelled wrong all the time (red squiggle marks all over the place), and that's why I use a big old dictionary but sometimes if you don't know how to spell something it's no use at all! Right then, got that of my chest; where was I.....?

Latest Discussion

“Right click on the word with the red squiggle underneath and you'll get some alternative spelling options.”
22 Nov 2010
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