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Added 20th November 2010 by dubwise-er


A Guy Called Gerald, Kiss AMC, Ruthless Rap Assassins, Toss the Feathers, Yargo, First Offence, Jon DaSilva, Steve Williams
16th February 1990

I think I went to this particular Guy Called Gerald line-up although I seem to remember it was quite a warm day so maybe there was another one a few months later, yeah, probably was 'cos I'm pretty damn sure M.C. Buzz B. was on the bill...Well it really was at the peak of all things Manchester round that time and surprisingly, I don’t remember it being that full. I think most of this is well documented so, as the local yokels of Bristol say (when they're not busy hanging monkies for being spies....true story, as I like to remind a mate of mine from that town, especially when we're pissed)," don't be going there now".....and so I won't be going there now.....
Still don’t mind cranking out K.R.S. “Sound of the Police” now and again....that was a top ol’ choon.
Looks like a bit of Heavy Metal was bubbling under at The International....I wasn’t too tuned in or aware of it at that time. Strange really that, as far as I know, no big Heavy Rock/ metal bands came out of M/c or Liverpool for that matter yet loads came out of the Midlands...I'm not complaining but it's quite interesting as to why....I know Phil Lynott's mam ran a lodgings house near Longsight, particularly for visiting bands, but I'm not aware she was in a Heavy Rock band herself; perhaps I'm mistaken....

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“You're probably right in thinking the date was this one. February, 1990 saw an unusually mild spell, with a [then] record high temperature for Manchester for that month.”
08 Nov 2023
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