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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 15th November 2010 by dubwise-er


Dub Sex, Inspiral Carpets, Man From Delmonte, Clive Gregson
International 1
5th March 1988

I must say it was jolly nice and considerate of whoever designed these flyers to put the year on. It's made it so much easier, so thankyou whoever you may be, and I hope karma,s been good to you......
I keep seeing all the bands I wish I'd gone to see. Tom Tom Club another one I missed, dag nabbit! It must be that hindsight thing again....

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“ah yes - i went to the man from delmonte gig (howard the drummer was our technician at art college)... westworl were that incredibly 80s pop band that won The Tube's best band as i remember - sonic boom boy... couldn't have been any other era!”
16 Nov 2010
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