
Where was I..........some more International(s) stuff. ‘Cos it was a venue and not a club I only went for certain bands and so the place doesn’t hold any particular fond/ traumatic memories other than the nights out I can remember there. I remember going to The Carousel (International 2) as a young ‘un when it was a full on Irish club in the mid ‘70’s; ‘orrible! (might have touched on this before...). Had to go obligations and stuff. Bad and maudlin Irish and lame country music with break-out solos played on Hawiian peddle steel guitars a’ la Dickie rock’s Miami Showband, Brendan Shine etc., used to do my head in; such a rebel!..... No matter how hard I tried and with a great deal of imagination, I could never transpose it into an imaginary Jimi solo with a bit of wah and feedback thrown in. Took me many years of counselling to recover from such aural trauma. Still, such things help differentiate cream from shite in a formative mind , so with a great deal of positive thinking it went some way in shaping my musical leanings from thence till now. (Still, on a woozy good/ bad night I can still fondly muster up karaoke style versions of “The Aul’ Triangle”, “Kevin Barry” etc.; me mam would be pleased...). The International 1 used to be Jilly’s (or some rock club ) before that . I’m sure there’s a fair bit about that in the archive.
Think I was at this particular Yargo gig and they were in fine form. I believe the general consensus is they were a lost gem, but it counts for nought in the fast-paced, glitz ‘n glamour circus that is the lot of the aspirational Rock ‘n Roller. Obviously having their song “The other side of Midnight” as the theme to Tony Wilson’s self-same titled show, put them on the radar and helped raise their profile; they were also on the cover of N.M.E. but I seem to have misplaced that. Anyway I’ve seen the live footage that’s been uploaded with the promise of more to come; a reminder of what a vital and potent force they were in the Manchester music scene at that time.
“That show, (The Other Side of Midnight) was an odd mix of highbrow/ lowbrow art, lifestyle and so on, with not so much emphasis on music as I recall; very different to the “What’s On”, “So It Goes” format of previous years. My recollection of it would surely be tainted by the obligatory bingeing of the “last orders” ritual of that time and the lateness of the hour it was broadcast. There was one particular character who seemed to lounge about regularly on episodes, not doing very much at all; a very tall, imposing looking chap who looked like he might have been an extra in “The Name of the Rose” or an undertaker in “Delicatessen”...The reason why he stuck in my head is because he worked in a “private” shop just off St., Anne’s Square where you had to have an appointment/ ring the bell to get in; a completely alien idea in retailing at that time. Obviously with hindsight, it was the shape of lifestyle aspirations to come in the late ‘80s till now; based on exclusivity, Giffen principle;....more than likely an idea imported from The States or down South. Anyway I didn’t fall for it; I knew if I ever had a lazy ten squid I wouldn’t be buying a shoelace, designer condom, or whatever that princely sum would afford me at that particular emporium,( not when said amount could buy you 40 cans of peas pudding at the El Cheopo shop on the ground floor of Afflecks!! Why at that price you could have a veritable feast or street party with buntings just like they did at Coronation’s of yesteryear or after the war..... would have been grand and money well spent!). Anyway that big –nosed, big git (...wouldn't say it to his face, would need a stepladder. I'm sure he was a lovely fella really...), used to stand in that shopfront, staring out onto the ancient pebbled thoroughfair, enjoying the splendid isolation of that ivory tower, all the while standing sentinel over the one or two haut couture garments hanging on the gilded rack. If only Posh and Becks had been around to keep him company....The best of the footballers’ wives Cheshire set were just a Realtor’s wet dream away and the rest were yet to come.......
Baddoo International would be a reggae night, though not familiar to me. As often is the way with reggae music, the latest acolytes of the latest styles would have emulators aplenty, in this case Madoo being the originator, begetting Badoo (though big tip of the hat to Horace Andy); Yellowman through to Purpleman; Buju Banton through to Burro Banton....and so the tradition continues up to the time....timeless.
Don’t recall Howard Devoto’s particular re-incarnation of the time.....
Well that’s side one of this flyer.....wonder what could possibly be in store on the other side?? can’t wait....
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