
That Miles character certainly was a busy chap; would surely know a thing or two. He wants tracking down and giving the third degree! “Beat Roots”; any band whoever called themselves that also needs the third degree with any instruments of co-ercion deemed necessary....I remember the Theatre of Hate one but not that support, probably just as well. U2 with Wah and Pink Military but as with most of these gigs, ‘cos the bar was like a big common room you could float in and out or just stand in the between -world and clock the bands as well as engage in meaningless conversation; no compulsory laudatory adulation here; just a couple of turns to ease your evening along and often just an entree’ to the main event which quite often was the dancefloor bizzness . i.e. once the bands were shuffled off the D.J. would crank up his gramophone and the night’s proceedings would really begin. That was often the case around various venues. Can’t recall when all that came to a halt but for many years now when you go to gigs peeps just sort of hang around waiting for the main event, the bands comes on, does it’s performance while in general, punters watch in awe and appreciation; band finishes, P.A. music starts up and pretty much 20 minutes later most of the paying public are gone. Bugger that! It's your night!Quite often when the band did the offski, that’s when the night really began........things were done proper when when I were a lad ....
Flippin' eck just realized I've hit the 400 upload mark.!...gonna have a cup of cocoa to celebrate...
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