
Meanwhile back in The Ritz...Old Ralph had packed up his bags at Legends, parting ways with his aul’ mate Paul and headed for pastures new. This night took a while to get off the ground but when it got going it never looked back. What was it with the newsletters /playlists anyway? I don’t recall it happening anywhere else after this time but it seems like quite a quaint and good idea. I’m sure it must have been helpful on record shopping sprees. Nowadays I presume such things would be posted on a website. This man was definitely a professional D.J. and not in the old skool way. The only so called D.J. I would have had any familiarity with up to this point was Stevie Root ,down Wythenshawe way, of the weddings, barmitzvahs ,youth club type of discos; well except for Poly D.Js and a couple of others I suppose. This man obviously travelled the length and breadth of the country, came in all styles and presumably made a decent living for his endeavours . He’d won national championships, wouldn’t know the details; and was a nice fella too ,as I recall. So cheapo nights at the Ritz....big fun was had by all....
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