
An early Homo Electric flyer from the days when it was on a Thursday night. Follies was a great, intimate venue. The bar was run by ladies who you would not fuck with for one moment. There was a picture of Martina Navratilova on the wall overlooking proceedings like some Slavic Our Lady.
Follies was divided into two halves. The smaller room, by the entrance, sometimes housed bands. I remember seeing Superstring there - a great, mainly instrumental outfit who, as I recall, wore white boiler suits a la Devo and featured Mark Hart, who went on to run In The City.
I remember the night that Superstring played, I was with my friend, a slightly tall and scary looking sort of bloke, who was a talented piss artist. He got it into his head that one of their songs sounded like the theme from the Sweeney. This caused him to scream 'SHUT IT!' John Thaw-style into the face of the terrified keyboard player...several times.
The small room also featured two strange, hanging, lit-up torsos. These torsos tended to frighten me when I was on drugs.
The DJs in the main room were Philippa Jarman and Kath McDermott who also worked in Piccadilly Records and Vinyl Exchange respectively. Their sets were always great, pervy, celebratory affairs, although I used to hide in the toilets when Phil did her ragga bit.
In the toilets there was a blackboard for people to write stuff on. Every month the same mysterious message would get scribbled down: Say No To Pubic Triangles (with an accompanying diagram).
Could the author of said slogan please contact
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