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Added 8th September 2010 by dubwise-er


Backstage Pass
James, The Smiths, The Fall
19th July 1986

Backstage pass for "The Festival of the Tenth Summer" event at G-mex,something to do with the tenth anniversary of The Sex Pistols swearing on telly.Hadn't been in that building since it was a railway station.Must have got the pass on a blag,don't know why I didn't flog the ticket though.Just noticed it says on the ticket "the promoter reserves the right to refuse admission and be impolite if required",very civil way of putting it.Derrick Hatton and Bill Grundy were two of the "comperes".It was a hot summer's day and big fun was had by all.I've still got part of The Smiths set on tape somewhere with lots of shouting and talking over the top of it.Eeh dem were de days....

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