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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 8th September 2010 by dubwise-er


The Passage, The Cheaters

Another flyer.I only found all this stuff which I left at my mam's house when I moved abroad 20 years ago.Don't know why I kept flyers but at least now they might be useful.I'm starting to get the hang of this uploading (I think).These look particularly like John Peely type bands but I suppose pretty much any band which were termed "alternative" back in the day were.Well The Cheaters were regulars round town and a good lively r 'n b band;still got that "All my Friends are Policeman" e.p.The Passage were another band based in the environs of Hulme as lots of bands seemed to be ,probably because it was cheap/free and no-one complained about noise.They did a live recording for the B.B.C. (maybe the Peel show?) with I think The Triffids, one midweek winter's night which I mosied along to.As it wasn't actually a gig it was pretty quiet.Still got records by some of these bands;think I'd have to stick them in the dishwasher to get them clean as I haven't played them for years..

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