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Added 10th July 2010 by OT


Frank Sidebottom, Badly Drawn Boy, Mark Radcliffe, The Oh Blimey Big Band
Castlefield Arena
8th July 2010

Farewell Frank Sidebottom...

To say a big Manchester farewell to Frank Sidebottom (and in turn Chris Sievey) this rather fantastic evening at Castlefield Arena was put together. Ramshakle and entertaining, i think this was a good way to say goodbye to the man with the biggest head in showbiz.

A collection of friends and colleagues took to the microphone to say a few words and tell a tale or two about their times with Frank (it was all Frank, not Chris). Omongst others, Badly Drawn boy played a touching, short set (including a Timperley Sunset reprise), the Oh Blimey Big Band came on and off and on again, Mark Radcliffe, Guy Lovelady, Brian Little all said a few words.

The highlight had to be a never before seen film called 'Franks Celebrity Sleepover'. This was a brilliantly well made film following the evening Frank called 'round Mike Joyce's house for a sleepover. It was genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, the audience lapping up the slapstick japery and clever comic one-liners and plot twists (Frank took 4 showers, had a trippy bad dream and ended up on Mike's allotment with Charley Chuck). A particularly loud cheer came when we saw Mike Joyce in bed with Smiths rhythm partner Andy Rourke (Morcombe and Wise style). Well done Channel M for this top quality piece of comedy film-making, beautifully shot and very well edited. Let's hope it sees the light of day on national tv. (One feels that if it was to be a series of Frank's sleepovers it could have become a cult friday night show on a channel such as Channel 4).

I left at about 9.30pm (child duties) just as The Oh Blimey Big Band came back on stage this time with Frank-as-a-mummy and even an embalmed Little Frank...

Congratulations to all who helped organise the event - it was a wonderful and fitting tribute Frank and Chris... i think he would have loved it... You know he would, he really would.

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