The first ever Flesh at The Hacienda. This was hugely anticipated and wildly enjoyed by a much less than capacity crowd. Surprisingly, it was quieter than we had imagined, but all the right people from the North West were there and it was so perfect to see the Hacienda become a gay house club you knew everyone would bring their friends to the next one and indeed they did!
I knew Lucy Scher and she and I had gone to the 'Lesbian Summer Of Love' night that she had promoted at The Hac which was an interesting night (that's another artefact entirely!). She had then put on 'Attitude' which was a large queer event with stunning and cutting-edge visuals by the ahead-of-their-time 'Homocult'.
I had djed for her and Paul Cons at 'Queer Academy' (at Mcr Academy) and was very excited when she told me they were promoting a new gay night at the Hacienda. I never went to 'Gay Mondays' at the Hac, but knew folk that had and it sounded wonderfully adventurous and inspired. But by this point what we all really wanted was to transplant the energy, music and crowd of the 'Number One' into a larger forum where everyone could really let rip. As I was going to the Hacienda and the Number One I could see the potential was huge. DJ Michelle played at the cheap as chips and brilliantly diverse Tuesday indie night at the Number One and warmed up for the ace Tim Lennox on the night.
Such was my enthusiasm that I flyered the night for free for several weeks! One flyer hotspot was the corner of Whitworth Street and Aytoun Street. There we would catch everyone going to Rockies (the biggest gay club in town at the time) from the village (pre-Canal St of course). Ten years later we were taking over Rockies for Homoelectric to escape from what had then become the mainstream on Canal St...
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