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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 2nd December 2009 by jsz


808 State, A Certain Ratio, Buzzcocks, The Durutti Column, Happy Mondays, The High, Inspiral Carpets, James, New Order, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, World of Twist, The Charlatans, Northside
Dry Bar
23rd November 1990

Back in 1990 there was an auction of items donated by local bands, Factory and The Hacienda in aid of Children In Need that year. Here is a merged version of the 4 page list of what was on offer.

The New Order 'synthesizer' was in fact the Oberheim DMX drum machine, apparently with the patterns still programmed in, so who got that?

Latest Discussion

“Dope artefact, JSZ. You should upload more!”
02 Dec 2009
“I noticed the other day that lot 37, the Ideal For Living sleeve signed by Hooky, has made an appearance at Hooky's Joy Division Exhibition at FAC251. It still has the reserve price stuck on the poly sleeve.”
18 May 2010
“hey jz - i've already uploaded these ... what you doing trying to sink my battleship?”
19 May 2010
“Yeah, but mine was more accurate (1990 not 1992), not to mention nicely edited into one upload.”
19 May 2010
“I remember New Order's Stephen Morris and Peter Hook were comperes. Unfortunately I don't remember too much because, with it being held in Dry Bar, of course we started getting pretty drunk. by the end I was pretty hammered.

However what I do remember is how cheap a load of the stuff went for. there weren't actually that many people there - a lot of those there were involved in it.

The official Stone Roses silver disc (made out to John Squire I think) ended up going for £200. The New Order synth used on Blue Monday hardly shifted- i think it went for £90 in the end. stephen morris pointed out that it still had the floppy disc in it with Blue Monday drum pattern on it.

At the time I was working at Vinyl Exchange (second-hand record shop) and we donated the Joy Division 'Ideal for Living' single which Peter Hook signed. I don't remember how much it sold for but it wasn't much. it's worth around £1000 now i think.

I bought seven raffle tickets and 5 of them won! I came away with a load of Northside stuff, signed Happy Mondays, Joy Division/New Order records and a crackin' hangover.”
20 May 2010
“Does anyone know anything about the world of twist Lot 24 specially designed children in need t-shirt? In the thank you's it mentions Angie and Adge of world of twist.”
20 Jan 2021
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