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Added 11th October 2009 by woodsman


Manchester Polytechnic Cavendish House
30th April 1980

The Ruts. 30th April 1980. M/C Poly(Cavendish)
Ok. Im a little bit confused about this one!! Ive got no real memory about the gig. But what really has me confused is that I had this ticket (and all my others) stuck in a book and next to it I had written Ruts D.C! Now for those who know their history Mal Owen didnt die until the 14th of July and therefore they would have still been The Ruts. Maybe someone can held

Latest Discussion

“i was at this gig with you woodsman and mr owen certainly was dead already [r i p , great voice ] havent got a clue about dates just remember the guitarist being really jolly , a really good egg and feeling sorry for him cause theyd lost their singer”
06 Jan 2015
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