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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 83 new artefacts, 17 new members, 10 new people and places.


Added 22nd August 2009 by Martin Ryan


Joy Division, Doves, The Fall, Paris And The Atmospheres, The Risk (2), Glee Company, Mick Middles, Paul Morley, Andy Mitch

Cover of Issue 1 of Acrylic Daze fanzine. Featured were an article on Paris And The Atmospheres from 1977 by Paul Morley and a feature on Joy Division by Mick Middles, including the original transcript of an interview with the band for the first ever national music press feature on Joy Division in Sounds in 1978. Also of interest is an article on The Risk who included a 15 year old guitarist called Jimi Goodwin, later of The Doves.

Latest Discussion

“Great stuff. Any chance of you scanning the Risk article?

26 Aug 2009
“yes the risk one would be great to see please... if you want to send the archive a decent scan of it we can turn it into text for you if it's too hard to read. thanks”
28 Aug 2009
“Article now added. It is just about legible, but I will gladly send a better scan, if that will be more use.”
29 Aug 2009
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