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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 12th May 2009 by foz



recently found birthday card from the management of pips...members used to have them mail'd to them just before there free entry but a nice jesture.

Latest Discussion

“pips was fantasic in the mid 70s mike shaft in the soul room johnny owen in the chart room and of course the famous roxy/bowie room great days”
30 Jun 2009
“yeah..the bowie/roxy room was my personal favorite...was the soul room the one downstairs??”
30 Jun 2009
“the soul room was adjacent to the chart room you just walked up a few stairs it was quite big you had to walk through the chart room to get to the roxy room. the small room downstairs played funk the dj always played james brown live at the apollo album early doors”
30 Jun 2009
“ah yes the memory comes flooding back (well sort of)...thanx for the update.”
30 Jun 2009
“I have fond memories of pips when they used to have the Bowie, Roxy and Numan nights. These pics bring back so many memories.”
15 Jul 2009
“Hi there: i'm seeking for a pic of Pips for my book of historic Rock places in Manchester to be published in Argentina this year. Do you allow me to use this one? Cheers”
10 Sep 2020
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