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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 110 new artefacts, 18 new members, 12 new people and places.


Added 9th May 2009 by shijokingo


Roger Eagle
Factory Club (see also Russell Club)

Rider of the contract between Roger Eagle manager at Eric's Club in Liverpool and Peter Walndey for Rough Trade Records as engagement for a gig at Factory Club on 26th May 1979 with Kleenex (swiss female band), The Raincoats & Cabaret Voltaire.
Find it in a folder with many riders of contracts of gigs from Eric's Liverpool and Factory Club Manchester.

Latest Discussion

“mmmm... now should this go under The Russell Club? having a separate Factory Club may cause confusion and has already split related artefacts...

we could do a Factory at The Russell Club?

What do people think?”
09 May 2009
“Personally,I think that bands that played on Factory nights should go under The Factory because the same people went on Factory nights and not always to the other nights at The Russell Club.”
09 May 2009
“Either way, great artefact!”
13 May 2009
“Cabaret Voltaire pulled out of this tour, and were replaced by Spizz Energi”
02 Sep 2010
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