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Added 5th June 2007 by graham


808 State, A Guy Called Gerald, MC Tunes, Ruthless Rap Assassins
The Boardwalk
4th March 1988

Poster for Hitsquad MCR at the Boardwalk.

This was the very early collective that morphed into 808 State.

Notice the Scratch Beat Masters which is Gerald Simpson(A Guy Called) and MC Tunes- The Spin Masters (Darren and Andrew).

Graham Martin and Gerald did an Acid jam at the end of this hip hop night as The Thermo Kings- you can hear it as Thermokings on the Rephlex album - 808 State Prebuild. So officialy the birth of the State. Ruthless Rap Assassins stole the night, as they were the best hip hop up north at that point - oh god that will cause trouble!

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