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Added 25th March 2009 by Peter Wadsworth


Godley and Creme
Strawberry Recording Studios

Photos taken from the booklet that accompanied the Godley and Creme triple album 'Consequences' (Mercury Records, CONS017). They show how the burial sequence was recorded at Strawberry: microphones were attached to a dummy's head which then was placed beneath a piece of wood. Sand was then shovelled down the cellar steps onto the wood to create the effect of hearing the burial from inside a coffin - it sounded good although I've obviously no idea of how realistic it was!!!!

Latest Discussion

“Thanks so much for these, Peter! Fascinating stuff!”
26 Mar 2009
“Cool! I didn't know about this track. Psychic TV did a similar thing on their Dreams Less Sweet album in the 80s, recording from inside a coffin being buried. Claiming was it "holophonic?" sound recorded in surround sound but without microphones?? The other track on the free 12 inch with the album was 10 minutes of an angry alsation growling recorded from what sounded like inside the dog! Always a floor filler! Those pesky art pranksters, eh?”
26 Mar 2009
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