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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 14th March 2009 by Mike Noon


A Certain Ratio, God’s Gift, Joy Division, Section 25, Vibrant Thigh, The Cheaters

Issue 21 of City Fun and much of this issue is taken up with a bitch fest between the magazine and Factory Records, who took exception to a negative review of a Joy Division, ACR, Section 25 gig which was, ironically, a benefit for City Fun. Elsewhere there are live reviews of Vibrant Thigh, God's Gift and The Cheaters. The magazine was, I believe, coming out fortnightly at this point.

Latest Discussion

“Do you have any more City Funs? This is great!”
17 Mar 2009
“I'm glad you like them. I've got up to issue 25 in volume one to come and then a smattering of the second volume (which wasn't as good because the music began to take second place to politics and other dullness). I'm exploring ways of sharing whole issues as the image size here renders the text unreadable (and I'm too idle to scan in individual articles).”
17 Mar 2009
“Gods all time favourite single...ever!!! My band the Flashing Vicars covered this. Wonderfull band....never saw 'em live. Any more info?”
05 May 2009
“Hi Idle Al and thanks for the comments. There will be a retrospective Gods Gift CD released by Hyped2Death in the late Summer. You'll have the dubious opportunity to sing along to all your favourites *L*. Thanks again.”
21 May 2009
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