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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 10th March 2009 by Mike Noon


Accident on the East Lancs, Fast Cars, Performance (1978-1982)

Issue 20 of City Fun from circa March 1980 (there's a letter dated March 3rd 1980 inside) with a review of Fast Cars, Performance and God's Gift in Oldham, record reviews of The Freshies, The Teardrop Explodes and Ludus, a gig guide from March 25th to April 5th and a stop press about the closure of Eric's in Liverpool 'last week', amongst other things.

I realise that this throws up a whole bunch of confusion around the dates for the earlier two issues I've uploaded.

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“I've uploaded a complete scan of this issue in CBR format, which is a full-screen image reader usually used for reading comics and magazines on computer screens. CDisplay Comic Reader can be downloaded, for free, here: . This issue can be directly accessed at
25 Mar 2009
“I was the bass player with Performance for a couple of years, 1980/81, with Phil on vocals, Paul miming, Stefan on guitar, Bernie on drums and the other Phil on keyboards. I could come up with their surnames too, given a bit more time. I remember gigs with Fast Cars, Joy Division, Toyah Wilcox, and a 4am set at Deeply Vale. I remember Tony Wilson coming to hear us at our rehearsal place (at the top of a mill in Oldham) and I remember seeing John Peel dancing at one of our gigs at Manchester Poly. They were fun times. I quit the band "because of musical differences" and was saddened when they split up soon after. I remember Phil (singer) bringing a copy of the band's first single to my flat in Ashton-under-Lyne shortly after the split. Anyway, good memories for me. I left the UK in 1983 and haven't lived there since. ~~~ Kevin Mills.”
02 Apr 2011
“Performance started as 58 variety and comprised of Stefan on guitar, Phil w on keyboards and Phil c on vocals. We used to draft other musicians in on gig nights. In 79 we put ads in NME etc for drummer and bass and became Performance. Paul did some mime on some of the set and Phil Cs girlfriend at the time did some ballet. As well as the gigs Kev has listed, performance supported the Fall, Fad Gadget, the young marble giants and others. They are on the Unzipping the Abstract album and their demos were played quite often on Transmission, Mark Radcliffe's show on key103. Their 4 track EP cassette obscure object of sold well in a little music outlet in Berlin. They had a photo shoot by Kevin Cumins and had reviews in Sounds on a few occasions.”
19 May 2011
“How are you Kev. Your bass playing was slick, 30 years where did that go?”
19 May 2011
“I'd like to buy a Performance 7", please! Can anyone help?”
22 Jun 2011
“The best thing to do is an Internet search of the song title as sometimes the odd vinyl outlets have a copy.”
23 Jun 2011
“Hi Phil,

Blank everywhere, I'm afraid. Can you help? Or could you put me ( in touch with someone who could?”
23 Jun 2011
“Hi Phil, thanks for the compliment. I'm doing well. After leaving England I worked on cruiseships for a few years, then I spent 20 years in Australia. I'm currently living in Japan. Where DID the last 30 years go???”
24 Jun 2011
“Great to hear from you Kev. Glad you are well. Still in Uk working at Uni and getting older by the day!”
24 Jun 2011
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