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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 65 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 23rd February 2009 by Abigail


Terrorist Guitars

Terrorist Guitars promo photograph

Latest Discussion

“Nice one! Last time I saw this band... was at the Mayflower Club new years party 1981 with Varicose Veins. There was all this manky food put out buffet style.After chucking loads of buttys and rice at the band the guitarist chassed me around the venue with his guitar still round his neck! Great days.”
04 Mar 2009
“The mayflower, Happy days- Nidge (RIP) Guitarist of Blitz was also there that cold night. The band went on to support the Dammed at the mayflower in August for a "Big Cyril" organised charity that was after the Alexandra Park Carnival against the missles gig.
The band played Stretcher case baby and were joined by Rat Scabies who played drums for them that night after being paid the handsome sum of "Two double southern comforts"”
08 Mar 2009
“Did this band ever play Sale annexe, and did they have a song called C.I.D? .. or am I thinking of Corrosive Youth?”
12 May 2012
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