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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 9 new artefacts, 22 new members, 9 new people and places.


Added 4th December 2008 by Abigail


Manchester Arena (MEN)

So...another trip to the MEN. This time I had a good seat. The Police played a great set, and started surprisingly, with 'Bring on the Night'. They were, however, the worst-dressed band I have ever seen in my life. I mainly went along to see Copeland, who was sporting a headband.

Stewart Copeland played the drums with his face. Every delicate stroke of the hi-hat, every paradiddle, every rapid-fire thwack of the turned-off snare merited a slightly different gurn. In the end he was baring his teeth and rolling his eyes in a way that hinted at rabies.

Brill if you closed your eyes, though. And a genuine privilege to see one of their last-ever gigs.

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