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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 102 new artefacts, 18 new members, 12 new people and places.


Added 3rd September 2008 by Idle Al


Born Idle

Manchester Punk Picnic, 19th August 1998. Redhouse rehearsal rooms was a dingy, damp basement just off Rochdale Rd. Long gone, it was a potential death trap...underground, with only 1 way in/out. The live room was a big rehearsal space down about 30ft of corridors. On nights such as this, the bands would play to about 50-60 people, and beer was sold (illegally) by all & sundry to anybody daft enough to not take any.

Latest Discussion

“I remember the redhouse was run by a bloke called Al, we never had any money to pay so used to do bits of plastering and painting to pay for rehearsal time, the place stunk of damp as did you and your equipment for months after. Al used to sit in his little office cooking veg curry all night, what ever happened to him ???”
11 Sep 2008
“big al did in fact run redhouse for many years allthough i dont know what became of him when he left. the flyer is from the time when dermy (or dee as he was later called) ran was a time of many nights without sleep and some great gigs”
11 Sep 2008
“I think this is the gig when we got up to play I said "If you like us, we're Born Idle, if you don't...we're the Accidents". They weren't amused.”
04 May 2009
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