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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 17 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 14th July 2008 by Arnie


F104, Denton Musicians Collective
Denton Youth Club
22nd November 1980

Ticket for Vardis at Denton Youth Club,22nd November 1980.
Support from F104 and Warlock.

Ticket courtesy of F104 vocalist Dave Smith.

Latest Discussion

“what was Denton Musicians Collective?”
15 Jul 2008
“I lived in Denton then but was a punk/new wave type.
Don't remember these bands were they Heavy Metal types?
were they local boys?”
15 Jul 2008
“Jesus, I went to this! Aged 15.

I'm sure Arnie will tell us about F104 and Warlock.

I too was of a punky bent but lots of my mates were "heavies" and I had a secret soft spot for AC/DC, Motorhead, etc. "NWOBHM" was all the rage in Sounds at the time.

We all got pissed beforehand and were puking up Breaker lager and Newky Brown. Nice!

The lead singer/guitarist from Vardis had long blonde hair which he filled with talcum powder for dramatic effect whilst headbanging. They did a cover of Silver Machine as I recall.

I think the same collective put on a punky gig either side of this night. Not sure if it wasn't Salford Jets? Maybe V2 featured also although I might be imagining this.”
15 Jul 2008
“A while ago Mat asked me to write a piece about the heavy rock scene in Greater Manchester and if he still wants it all will be revealed about the Denton Musicians Collective !!”
16 Jul 2008
“yes please arnie... we have a few pieces of writing now. there's no hurry though.”
16 Jul 2008
I was the vocalist with F1O4 and ended up being chairman of denton musicians collective (because no one else wanted to do it ) as far as i can remember they put on 3 gigs anglewitch at hyde town hall was the first one followed by vardis at denton and then angelwitch again at denton. but i do not recall any punk gigs however F1O4 had disbanded by 1981 so it is possible that there could have been, which woulkd have been after my time .
I will be speaking to arni regarding my memories and will pass on to him some tales that denton may not want you to know

Dave Smith”
17 Jul 2008
“hi arnie

can you contact me asap please...”
21 Aug 2008
“Hi, my name is Chris Connelly, I am currently writing a book on all the artists who recorded at Cargo Studios in Rochdale. I would appreciate if any members of F104 would e-mail me on, many thanks”
29 Apr 2010
“Hi F104, I've got an old 2x12 speaker cab of yours! we've had it for years bought from one of the second hand shops at the bottom end of Ashton passed where the Spread was. I've put a new front and grills on it, new speakers too but there's still the stencilled F104 on it which I must say I tried to cover over, but has come back....some kind of satanic brand no doubt!! My brother originally bought the cab and played a bass thru it but I've recently used it for a guitar extension speaker, Hiwatt abuse and PA monitor work. I'll post a picture which you can link to and see if it triggers your memory! We knew Dave Smith's brothers Gary and Paul who lived on Smallshaw Lane so I am a good generation after you. Do you remember those £15 wedge shaped distortion pedals Pass sold they were probably worth no more than a fiver! wish I still had one so I could hear how bad they were...or probably good they sound 30 years down the line. One last thing, my first ever performance was at the folk club Dave Smith had going at Hurst Community centre after F104. I wanted to leave this comment next to the Harold Pass plectrum..anyway... we bought a lot of dodgy cheap leads from him, the curly ones, great for picking up all sorts of interference, it was a learning experience, I got a really good Roland Cube 40 from Ashton Audio!!in about 1985/86 it was stuck between a load of hi fi stuff, great little amp. The F104 cab is on here, click on ghetto88.
Cheers Martin.”
14 Sep 2011
“Ow do Martin,no doubt that we've crossed paths at one time or another.........I'm Arnie the guitarist from F104.
That cab was Jason's and if it's still working it's a miracle after the punishment it got from his Rick bass and Matamp.I've passed this on to him and to Dave Smith.Dave and I are back in a band after over 30 years with a few other old codgers you might know that played local around that time.
It's great to hear of some one else that remembers us and no doubt Dave will get back on this !!

By the way Harry Pass is still around and does his shopping at Tesco in Stalybridge !!”
17 Sep 2011
“Hi Arnie cheers for getting back, I've been meaning to post that cab picture for ages. I used to live at the Newsagents on Broadoak Road where Dave Smith used to talk to me mum Pat Bolt. When me and my brother first started playing and getting into guitars F104 were one of the more established local hero type bands I'd hear about, my brother who's a couple of years older remembers you playing, probably at the Spread. In about 1985/86 I moved to Manchester and have been playing in various bands around town ever since. Yes that cab's had a bit of a life! lushing it up at the Boardwalk, Roadhouse, Band on the Wall (on video..I might post!!) and various other sheds around town. It's also fallen down stairs, been chucked around in vans, and painted a few times(F104 stencil will not cover up!! did a good job!) but at present resides in a church hall where we practice in Chorlton. Wow!! I wonder whether Harold Pass has got any of those nasty distortion pedals stashed away!? Cheers Martin”
17 Sep 2011
“Hey Arnie... Whatever happened to that bit of writing about the heavy rock scene? I know I said there was no hurry but... Mat”
28 Sep 2011
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