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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 55 new artefacts, 13 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 26th June 2008 by barbarella29


Membership Card

Blinkers Restuarant Club Manchester
Flip side of Life Membership Card signed on behalf of Selwyn Demmy as VIP (of course !! ) which gave me free admission on Saturday Nights as well, and Free Drinks !!
Selwyn Demmy's Brother Gus had a chain of Betting Shops.

Latest Discussion

“I used to work in the kitchens here along with Rasp, Tony, Joe and Phil. Louis owned the place and sold it because he made more money from the burger van that he still has in Piccadilly. Great restaurant, good times.”
03 Feb 2009
“I used to know Tony pretty well. It's a small world! We used to go in there a lot. The place had a bit of class about it. Do you happen to remember the "Saturday Night Fever" dance classes that they did!?”
04 Feb 2009
“Selwyn's brother is Harvey, Gus was Selwyn's beloved Father and he backed Selwyn to open the string of betting shops. Gus only ever did track side betting. I was also a member (albeit an underage one) I used to go to Blinkers with my Mum (Ann) and her friend Teresa. I became friends with Selwyn, a few years after the club had closed down and he went mental when I showed him my membership card, as he knew my true age!!”
02 Jun 2009
“I used to occasionally work next door to Blinkers in Enzos Bridge Street but mostly I worked in Enzos George Street where I worked behind the bar and reception. I would often go in for a drink after work and would shoot the breeze with Selwyn - happy days & good memories. Susan Moore”
11 May 2010
“I worked for Selwyn at Blinkers for 2years from 1978 til 1980. it was then sold to Tariq Siddiqi who had a clothes shop called Paris Dix Sept on Deansgate. I have great memories of this time
Tony Fox”
25 Nov 2010
“Tony I bought Blinkers in 1978/79 and was out of it before 1980”
20 Jul 2013
“Sorry Tariq, old age creeping on lost a couple of years”
21 Jul 2013
“Are you on Facebook Tony? Just recently uploaded a Jimmizz guest pass on there”
21 Jul 2013
“Gus Demmy was Selwyn's Father. His only surviving brother is Harvey. They had a younger brother Johnathon who died in a speedboat accident in the 60s”
11 Oct 2021
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