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Added 9th February 2008 by shivadescending


A Certain Ratio, Distractions, The Durutti Column, Joy Division, X-O-Dus (Exodus)

Factory Records newsletter and shareholder's analysis September 1979 part 2

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“hi - if you have a larger scan of this we could turn it into text if you can send it us. thanks.”
31 Jul 2008
“this reads...

"Fàc 9(cont): Also planned 'ln search of the lost chord' by Salem and Naylor. An SF sojourn through the mathematics of western tonal mathematics. Music by M.Hannett (partner and producer of 5,6,2a:2b,l0,l3,l4,Spiral scraaatches NB to NB on FàC 7 - 'sell some' - work on Lost Chord is held up for
understandable misgivings on the part of Miss Naylor on the question of this al1 pervading concept of 'product'. She wants to know when we're going to market toilet paper. Good question. next.

FAC 10: Joy Division; 'Unknown Pleasures'; 33 and a third LP... This was Joy Division's 4th outing on plastic; history includes two tracks on FàC 2, two tracks on 'Last night at the Circus' on Virgin and their own 12" 45 (also in 7" in plastic sleeve) called 'Ideal for Living' which contained four tracks. FàC 10 finally stirred the critic's hearts; the reticent foursome were soon loved; release was June '79.''This band has tears in its eyes. Their day is closing in.''(NME) Sounds backlash only took two weeks; is this a record. People ask about Joy Division, people like the people this is being churned out for. Ian Curtis is the singer and lyric writer; he's just starting to use a guitar onstage; his dancing style has been patented. Steve Morris plays drums (inc. Synar as on 'Insight and S.L.C') and doesn't like doing interviews if it means he's going to miss his tea. Peter Hook(Hookey) plays bass, shimmys a bit with a bent back stance and ts now driving a 'D' reg Jag Mark 10 (£55). He wants to do a Musical, like Oklahoma. Bernard Dickins plays guitar; he was a designer and is called Barney. Manager is Rob Gretton. of FAC 13

FAC 11: Exodus or An Exodus; English Black boys; exactly that and it's also the ti tle of the song; black youth anthem on 45 12inch. They come from Hulme/Moss /Range. Recorded at cargo Rochdale in June; still waiting for Producer, Denis Bovell to Mix it down; he's in the Bahamas this week, on holiday. Now he's got a reasonable economy...will be released....when Denis gets back....when?

FAC l2: The Distractions; 'Time goes by so slow' 7inch 45rpM B/W Pillow fight. Reminds the Managexent of AAustinTexas 66 but take your choice. 'lyrical, sophisticated, dynamic (NME)(who's paying this guy). Distractions are Manchester five piece who signed to island Records on Sep 18th '79, due to irresistible desire to play the game. This single has sold oùt its first 4,200 (2,000 labels went down at the Factory..youve got probleMs) reprint and press under way even now. First release on Sep lst '79. The boys and ? are evn now preparing to support the Undertones..thank you asgard, and will be passing everybody's way in late October

FAC 13: Joy Division; 'Transmission bw f Novelty'. ''Dance dance dance dance dance to the radio'' but will they. I.E. the radio one game. 0ut in Mid october, just in time to Miss(by days) Joy Divisions country wide tour supporting
Buzzcocks .All these supports/crutches/friends of Mine etc. 'Novelty' is just that being the first song they ever wrote two years ago. 'Transmission was premiered, showcased even, on BBC 2's 'Something else show on Sep 15th '79. Should Factory choose(that's another illusion) to play the
chart game with FAC13.....negotiations under way even now with big stall owners; J.Lydon:"we employ them.don't they understand". We're not sure they do:further instalment next Month.

FACT14 : The Durutti Column;12" LP 33 and a third. Instrumental album by (as in composed/played) Vinny Reilly and Gordon Smith guitar. Produced by Martin Hannett, to be issued in Mid october in sandpaper sleeve plus Flexi disc test card by Confusacritic time.

FAC l5: 'Zoo Meets Factory half way': Leigh open air pop festival, Bank holiday Monday, Aug 27 '79. Poster and event. C.chaos,Distractions,AcRatio,Teardrop
OMITD, Echo and B.?Joy Division. 'A staggering even'(Se) 300 White on black posters; all put up.

FAc 16: A Certain Ratio; four track demonstration/seven tracks; featuring post- Modern funk classic,'Flight' For possible release(200) on cassette. Lateoct.

FAC 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 2l: see next issue. Fraternal greetings to Jean-pierre Turmel, the scala, City Fun, Final Solution,.Naylor's abrasives, KTIM SF,Greg Shaw,Jurgen Kramer,uncle SavagelMorley/penman/Gill/Middles/Bell and of course Uncle John,and Auntie Mary, and Andy Schwartz,printed Noise, Ed Bahlmann, Zercom/pacific/R.T./v.W./and everybody else without whose valiant efforts we would never have been able to hire a lawyer. the only alternative to the spectacle becomes the spectacle of the alternative. Discuss.”
04 Oct 2008
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