Griff denied falling asleep on the bus but admits that he's lucky he got home at all.
"The Hallé syllabus suits me down to the ground" and he hopes to arrange to attend some of the same concerts as her, sharing his season ticket, but will go with her father Walter as well if he would enjoy it.
He hopes to take her out on a Saturday night, possibly around bonfire night "to some hall of entertainment" but wartime police regulations have changed cinema operations on weekend evenings so they'll have to see.
"I'm not entirely at peace with the great big silly world; in fact I feel angry about lots of happenings in it, if you refer to that sphere attached to the sun!" but does enjoy that she's in his life. And that makes life good.
With thanks to the Ida Carroll Trust
Date is unknown.
Part of the #NSM2020 project "A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music" supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
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