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Added 27th October 2007 by Steve McGarry


Record / CD / Tape
Slaughter and the Dogs

This was the sleeve I illustrated and designed for Slaughter & The Dogs' debut album on Decca. They still use the dog's head illustration on most of their packaging today, I've noticed. Photos were by Kevin Cummins.The type on the back was set at the printers from a variety of scribbled notes from several sources, and the typesetters cocked it up - I didn't get to see a proof, so it wasn't until the record came out that we noticed that Rob Gretton (who was the bands "fan club manager" in those days!!!) had been wrongly credited as Rob Graftam

Latest Discussion

“There's a US punk band (can't remember the name...something to do with snakes?) who've completely ripped off the design for this cover. Brian (Muffet) played drums for a while with my band Born Idle in the 90's, and he's got drawers full of old photos, press cuttings etc at his home in Chorlton. I'll have to get him to post some of the stuff on here.”
10 May 2009
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