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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 27th July 2007 by soulkiss

Featured in the following Online Exhibitions:
Melanie Smith - Mudkiss Photography


The Hacienda

Hacienda preparing to watch Hanoi Rocks Gig with a guy called Simon Ray anyone remember him, he had a mate called 'Harry' and used to go to Wigan Pier wed nights, alternative music. I've only today 17/09/19 found out that Harry died a few years ago. They called him Harry the punk, there is a tribute page on facebook for him,

Latest Discussion

“Hi, Im pretty certain that's Simon Ray from Stockport. He was my buddy for many years. I dont know Harry though. Si is still about and lives in Derbyshire I believe.”
29 Jul 2007
“He was a Billy Idol look a like for a while does that ring any bells ? he used to go to Wigan Pier on wed nights around 1982.”
29 Jul 2007
“yes it simon. Wig and all. he was always the good lookin one, I got sod all :(”
29 Jul 2007
“Hey it would be good if he got in touch again, do you know his e-mail ?”
29 Jul 2007
“Im really sorry i dont have one for Si. I havent seen him for 12 months so dont have any contact details.”
29 Jul 2007
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