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Added 22nd July 2007 by JAX


New Order, Beach Red
The Ritz
26th October 1981

Was this the first gig they did as New Order I know we waited ages for them to come on stage

Latest Discussion

“They'd actually done over 40 gigs as New Order by this point, but it was a great gig. Ta for putting up the ticket, been looking for mine for ages!”
23 Jul 2007
“the first manchester gig was at the beach club... this is another great artefact which i've never seen before... jsz may have some more info on this?

does anyone know who beach red and be music were?”
23 Jul 2007
“Cheers for the information it certainly helps fill any gaps in my recollection but that's the great thing about this site what you don't know or can't recall there is likely to be someone around who can”
23 Jul 2007
“It was their 4th Manchester gig. No idea who Beach Red were but Be Music was the alias used by New Order for their production or publishing activities. There's even an album to celebrate that:
23 Jul 2007
“Beach Red were from North Machester , a good band who gigged around manchester for a few years and disappeared .
The original bass player was Tony France from Stockholm Monsters .”
25 Jul 2007
“aaaah thanks- Did you play at the above gig?”
25 Jul 2007
“I did , and we got paid £75.00 if I recall plus there was a crate of ( warm) Special Brew laid on , I was disappointed the revolving stage didn't actually revolve on the night .
The Event group were a bunch of performance artists who were running around the place annoying everybody .”
25 Jul 2007
“Very cool poster. I saw them less than 2 weeks later (Nov. 6 1981) at their first LA show.”
04 Oct 2007
“I have a pretty apalling memory but i can assure you New Order were a disgrace
Beach Red were really tight and got a support slot with The Bunnymen at Gaetanis Cafe?..Nick Lomas a mate of mine also played with Beach Red

Danny O'Sullivan”
11 Nov 2007
“I have always told people I was at New Orders first ever gig it the New Osborne in Miles Platting (or that neck of the woods) I am sure that is what I was led to believe at the time does anyone know how I was miss-informed or what number gig it actually was?”
25 Jan 2008
“consult the online gig oracle here:

they didn't ever play at the New Osborne, though The Beach Club (the place of their actual first gig) is heading towards that part of town but still in the city (near Shudehill).”
25 Jan 2008
“I was at this gig, my mate Vinny Dugdale was the drummer in Beach Red, they were good. I do remember New order keeping everyone waiting,”
12 Jun 2008
“I was in a band with the guitarists brother ...We used to support beach red regularly ... I liked em they had some good tunes ..also went to the Ritz new order gig ..But coz it was so long ago i cant really remember it”
27 Aug 2008
“I am also a mate of the drummer Vinny Dugdale, when he told us the gig was supporting New order we expected great things havin been fans of Joy Division... man alive what a shambles, straight from the off it was wierd, as i recall there was a fella in a cage screeching like a proper loon, everyone just walked past & sneered as i recall.Beach Red came on & performed a good set & then....wait.wait.wait, must have waited at least 1 or 1/2 hours for the headliners & jeez were they rubbish on that night. put me off them for quite a while”
26 Sep 2008
“Was interested to hear the comments about Beach Red anyone know if Nick is still with us ? Hope he is God bless him, should have been a big star that boy !”
11 Jun 2009
“This gig was New Order's return to England after honing up their act in Europe along with Stockholm Monsters as support. Everything's Gone Green debuted at this gig which was the highlight of the show as everyone was asleep by the time they came on. The late show was partly to do with Beach Red as the band couldn't be found after releiving New Order of their crates of beer.Their set was cut short as Hooky was mixing it but was required elsewhere. The set was warmly received in the following week's NME (they tore into New Order) but the band never really eclipsed this gig As for Nick,I had a drink with him recently and he's okay.”
15 Dec 2009
“Beach Red played a few times for 'the site' project which a bunch of us were involved in mid-eighties. They were great !”
20 Jan 2011
“Beach Red I remember as a bunch of blokes in long coats with flat tops playing at the Cypress Tavern.

The Ritz gig, so far as my faulty memory recalls, had them coming on at some ridiculously late hour - long after my last train had gone, that's for sure - and playing only for 45 minutes, no encore. People were not happy bunnies, and I had to share a taxi to Stretford and walk from there to Urmston, as I didn't have the taxi fare, getting home about 2.30am. I do remember the fella in the cage, though. And the Ritz's springy dancefloor.

New Order's first gig after Ian Curtis died as a trio was at the Beach Club. Barney came on stage and said something like "We are the living remains of Crawling Chaos*"

* who were also a popular beat combo of the time in Manchester.”
21 Jan 2011
“Seem to recall and being impressed by this band playing at Man Alive club on Grosvenor St, maybe about Nov 85. Only 26 years ago, why can't I remember properly!!”
29 Jun 2011
“The thing I remember about this gig was there was an awful buzz on the PA system caused by the lights and Hooky getting more and more annoyed about as they night went on eventually telling them to leave the fucking lights alone!

I also seem to recall reading somewhere that he thought it was the worst gig they'd ever done!”
25 Apr 2014
“My dad was actually the original bassist in Beach Red before Tony Francis took over a few months after this gig, theres nothing about them online as they were very small and ended quite quickly”
23 Nov 2018
“I was also convinced that I had seen New Order’s first gig, when I went to this. The night bus only went to Parr’s Wood and had to walk 3 miles back home afterwards. New order were pretty poor and I couldn’t really enjoy them for some time after”
22 Feb 2022
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