Buzzcocks on the front cover of Smash Hits with an article inside talking about their latest release Harmony in my Head with all the Buzzcock's gossip, facts & info
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“Words for Death Disco plus Abba and Sting in colour! RIP Ver Hits.”
“I'm sure I would have had a copy of this. I remember buying Harmony off the record stall on Denton market and the guy taking the mick out of me for saying 'Armony in me 'Ed. I played it almost transparent on my mum's old Dansette record player with a 2p sellotaped to the arm to stop it jumping.
That punk/abba/disco thing was also very evident on Swap Shop at this time which had cuddly Noel Edmunds introducing Sham 69, Uk Subs etc next to Dollar and Brotherhood of Man.”