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Added 6th July 2007 by sbilts


The Men Of 992, There Goes Johnnies Airforce, The Zans
The Boars Head
5th November 1985

The Zans pictured here next to the tab machine in Stockports Boars Head. I am certain this was taken on Bonfire Night as The Men of 992 were also on the bill along with 8 other bands. I have a video that still survives of the event .This was filmed by some students from Stockport College. I recall a few of the other bands...Bare Wires, Some Obsession, Lawdy Mama and Blueprint were amongst them and most are still part of Stockports incestuous musical fraternity..I learned a lot that night but the most valuable lesson was ..Never lend your guitar to another band before you play your set or if you have to ,check they have not knackered it up before attempting to play it. The Zans pictured are LtoR Stuart Harrison, Dave Edwards,Ronnie Land and Ed Edwards....Ron became 992's Drummer and both Dave and him later enlisted into Johnnies Airforce and forced Sbilts out of early retirement.....

Latest Discussion

“Any chance of uploading the vid to YouTube?”
30 Jan 2015
“I would need to convert it into a digital format...there are bits on youtube of the Megaband and us and maybe The Zans but did not convert the whole video...will give it a go but may take some time as its a tedious process heres a link to Megaband bit and the Zans and 992 will try and do rest soon”
30 Jan 2015
“Ta Sbilts. And thanks for the links... I'll check those out.”
02 Feb 2015
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