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Added 6th July 2007 by sbilts



Full band shot of early Zanathus featuring LtoR Dave Edwards, The Bear, Ed Edwards. Dont know who took it but would love to know where it was taken.

Latest Discussion

“First time I saw them was at Stockport College in about 78. They were dressed as Arabs and were wearing goggles. I also remember them having a bloke on stage who "played" the lighting system (a couple of coloured 100w bulbs) I can't remember his name but I do remember that he took his kit off) Did all this actually happen or was I having a bad acid trip?”
13 May 2008
“Well I wasn't there but the lightshow sounds like the legendary "Grotty Gleaves Lightshow"from which I have the extension lead in my garage with the Dymo label still on (its a long story how I ended up with it) I know Dave the bass player frequently ended up naked at Zanathus gigs but didn't know Chris Gleaves (AKA Eve Slag) got his stuff off also, sounds like purgatory.......”
14 May 2008
“It was'nt Eve Slagg, thank gawd. This bloke was quite porky and I think he was called Jacko???”
17 May 2008
“Can't help with that one as the only Jacko I can think of has never been "porky"but did do some backing vocals for the Zans on occasion dunno about lights though. I suppose he could have started life porky but he was lithe when fronting, Safari Party, The Hardy Normans and most recently Gascat ( Mr Andrew Jackson) I must ask Dave when he returns from his lengthy camping expedition......”
18 May 2008
“It was Jacko (Mr Andrew Jackson ) on lights he's slimmer these days .”
21 May 2008
“i was at a gig at stockport college, early 1980 a sort of blues punk night. First on were the transparent blues band, who were a sort of zappa meets the tubes meets motorhead thing, then the Zans then the Cheaters. the zans seemed to take their cothes off a lot.I think they did that night ( or it might have been another gig) but whenever it was I was was quite impressed with thier nerve as there were some very dodgy hard men there at the front but the Zans didnt see to care.”
09 Mar 2010
“Dave was telling me about a legendary gig in which the plug was pulled as the management took exception to him stripping.The Bear apparently just carried on drumming throughout whilst the bouncer was searching for his undies on the darkened stage by the light of his torch. The power was restored and the old valve amps faded back in in a Top of the Pops type moment.Dave said the stripping antics caused them to be repeatedly re-booked at Portland Bars as the owner was gay and once remarked that "Hes got a lovely arse,but a shame about his c..k".Dave reckons this was one of the reasons he plays the bass so low slung so as to conceal his appendage...”
09 Mar 2010
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