Geoffrey Griffiths writes to Ida Carroll, mentioning Glenluce - the name of the house of the Carrolls.
Ida seems to have sent Griff a photo of herself, "the subject of the photo is too modest, the subject is not a fair judge and again shows her powers of aggravation in differing from me on this point." It sounds like she's been very demure about the quality of the pic, Griff loyally disagrees.
He gives his opinions on the war update, "Poland will soon be crushed, I'm afraid, then we may learn what we are up against in the way of concentrated attacks towards the west."
It sounds like there is some leafleteering planned? "The dropping of those leaflets is a jolly good idea, but the army and the secret police seem to be all powerful."
He wants to take her stargazing but she doesn't like to stray far from home at night, but he reckons the early warning system should be ample enough.
With thanks to the Ida Carroll Trust
Date is unknown.
Part of the #NSM2020 project "A 20/20 Legacy: the centenary of the Northern School of Music" supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
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