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Added 16th June 2020 by Bernie Wilcox


Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias, Smirks
Free Trade Hall
11th March 1978

Are we not men?

Devo's UK debut was as the support act to the Albertos at the Free Trade Hall in March 78. None of us knew what to expect but they blew everyone away, including the Albertos.

They started the gig wearing hazmat suits and then changed into shorts and teeshirts as you can see from the pix.

The music was very hypnotic and a year later I was living in a rough part of The Hague, Holland. We'd been celebrating Carnival and were off our tits. We put the Devo album on repeat with the arm of the vinyl player up. It must have drove the neighbours a bit crazy because one of them picked up a loose paving slab and hurled it thru our front window.

That made us wake up!

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