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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 58 new artefacts, 17 new members, 5 new people and places.


Added 14th June 2007 by sinuf_mood


The Megaband, The CasualTies, Switchdoctor
International 1
21st May 1988

This was what passed for a dressing room at the International! This was one of four gigs that I 'depped' on bass for Switchdoctor until they got a permanent replacement for the fired 'Chip' (I was a reluctant paticipant in R 'n' B but apart from Phil, all the others were and still are, mates). Left to right, Phil Gardner, Graham Nall (still with The Soul Bandits), the legendary John Dickinson (still on guitar with The Soul Bandits and The Blues Blasters), Arnie Furniss (still on bass with The Casual Ties and lunacy with Beat Science) and Henry Quick (still drumming with The Blues Blasters and anybody else he can fit in his busy retirement from Teaching!).
We supported Wilko Johnson this night and I have to admit to being more nervous doing a sound check in front of Norman Watt Roy (my hero, along with Rockette Morton) than I was playing in front of a few hundred Wilko fans, but then again, I was fuelled by alchohol by the time we went on!
Judging by the sweat on Graham's jacket, this was taken after our set!

Latest Discussion

“Have just added a flyer for your gig at The International - 21st May 1988 supporting Wilko Johnson.”
15 Jun 2007
“I used to loooove the Soul Bandits...round the market Place in Stockport in the early 90's would love to hear if they are still playing.”
11 Nov 2007
“Still playing, Graham and the lads played at my 50th in October 2008, they still knock'em out as well as ever”
20 Jun 2009
I used to love the Soul Bandits at Stockport market! I`m having a party in march and was wondering if they are available to play, can you let me have a contact no or pass my address to them, please?
Many thanks,
Sue Blackburn”
12 Jan 2010
“Sadly, their sax player, Dave Moss, died a few months ago and I'm not sure of their plans. If you send an e-mail to the above link, I'll forward your details to JD and Graham.”
12 Jan 2010
“RIP JD sad loss to the Manchester Music Scene”
10 Sep 2013
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