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Added 5th June 2007 by MiddleEd



Advert from November 1972

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“Was Stoneground the same venue as The Mayflower? Birch Street isn't very long, there can't have been that many big venues on it...

Amon Duul II - I'd have loved to have seen them at that point in their career.”
“Seems to be. It says "formerly the Stoneground" in tiny letters on one of the punk flyers here. I googled it, found a website and posted a weblink. Next thing the artefacts from the website are up. Tell us more MiddleEd - is it your website?? (Welcome-by the way!)

Thin Lizzy -do I recall a Mcr connection? Something to do with Whalley Range??”
“yes - Phil Lynott's mum- Philamena used to run a hotel in Whalley Range. See her book 'My Boy' for more. Sounds like a very interesting hotel!”
“Phyliss' hotel was legendary at the time in the touring band circuit and was frequented by lots of bands including Thin Lizzy, George Best was a regular there too.
I think Phil lived with her there for a while before moving to Dublin.”
“<Tell us more MiddleEd - is it your website?? (Welcome-by the way!) >

Hi, yup, I was emailed by people at this site on the basis of your comment, so copied the adverts and card over. Pink Fairies photos on the site are mine too. My page, as it states, was "A vague prototype attempt " so glad to see this site flourishing, mebbe transfer over the entire gig listing from my page ?

I lived in Stockport-ish 1956-74 and Didsbury 76-80.
“Stoneground and The Mayflower were one and the same. I went quite a lot and was at the Amon Duul II gig. I recall everyone sitting on the floor for that one. The gigs I can recall were, Edgar Broughton Band,Roger Ruskin Spears Kinetic Wardrobe, Judas Priest (Rob Halford had long hair and a whip). Arthur Browns Kingdom Come (awesome), Saturnalia, Tasavallan Presidentti, Tractor, Gong, Stackridge...Dozens more that I can't recall at the moment. Walked back everytime and saw the sun rising over Longsight (wouldn't dream of walking through there these days mind). Later when it became the Mayflower I went to see Wire there and that was the only time I went as Rafters was better for punk bands.”
“My friend and I shared a house in hazel Grove with Graham Stonegrounds manager at the time.I was kind of a groupie in those days too :-)I also lived in Didsbury and remember getting locked in the Southern cemetary,after taking a "short cut" and having to climb over massive pointed iron gates in a maxiskirt.I now live a little further afield in Hong Kong”
16 Nov 2007
23 Jun 2008
“My first ever concert not sure if it was 72 or 73 - Osibisa - my friend and I had to leave about 5 mins after they came on because her dad was waiting outside in the car! Despite all our pleas to be allowed back in he refused on the grounds that "no decent sort of music would be playin at this time of night" - glad to say I've found loads of places that play excellent music at that time of night since!!”
11 May 2010
“I must have attended most of the gigs at the Stoneground and the Mayflower, this was a cracking venue and featured some great bands in a fantastic atmosphere, I have a clear memory of Golden Earring playing 'Radar Love'. as John says if you were a speedway/ bobs fan as I also was this was a cracking full day/night out”
21 Sep 2010
“I was at the Golden Earring gig at Stoneground and they had the first quadraphonic P.A. I ever heard, with the lead guitar going right round the room. Also my feet sticking to the carpet as I walked from the bar back to my seat! Saw Average White Band in '73 after their tour of the States- they were dynamic, so intense, like throwing a match into a bag of ripraps (remember them?), saw them 4 or 5 years later at the Apollo and they were shite, wearing white suits and a look of boredom. Their support band was the excellent Inner Circle who made AWB look very ordinary. Saw Kevin Ayersat Stoneground as well, he ran off stage past me and threw up in the bog then went straight back on stage and carried on. My mate Dave said the club's name reminded him of an 8th.Day loaf!”
19 Jan 2011
“I have fond memories of Stoneground even though it was a dump. I recall seeing French band ANGE there several times in 1973 & 1974 - they also used to play at UMIST. I wasn't a great concert goer but I always attended when ANGE were playing. Very weird band with a very charismatic vocalist (Christian Decamps) and a very loud PA system. They are still going but don't come to the UK any more.”
26 May 2011
“I went to see Amon Duul II at Stoneground in 1972 when I was a student at UMIST. It was a great night of excellent and loud music. I remember we all sat on the floor and a lot of dope was smoked, though there was also a bar selling beer.
The band were very friendly and I spent a lot of the break chatting to their singer Renate, I forget her second name.
During the evening there was a little unease when a policeman was noticed inside the main entrance, but the guy on the door told us (over the pa) not to panic as the policeman was only there because a parked vehicle was causing an obstruction. Quite an enlightened policeman for the 70s.”
10 Jul 2023
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