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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 9th April 2020 by richardwatt


Obimen, The Paperboys, The Liars, Kinnel

09/04/2020 - Currently, Tony Davidson who founded TJM Records is putting together a book on Manchester Bands. He will be needing artefacts as the book is photographically biased, coffee table in type. My small contribution was with the Frantic Elevators / Simply Red 1978 - 84 various photos are on this site. I've recently found some press material regarding a 1990 vinyl album, 'This is Manchester, 14 songs from the North West' on Castle Communications/TJM Records. (see images) Any communications people can have to contribute to the book please get in touch via Facebook to me - Richard Watt or Tony Davidson, we are both friends on FB. Kind regards , stay safe and #StayHomeSaveLives

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