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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 65 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 9th April 2020 by richardwatt


Obimen, The Paperboys, The Liars, Kinnel

09/04/2020 - Currently, Tony Davidson who founded TJM Records is putting together a book on Manchester Bands. He will be needing artefacts as the book is photographically biased, coffee table in type. My small contribution was with the Frantic Elevators / Simply Red 1978 - 84 various photos are on this site. I've recently found some press material regarding a 1990 vinyl album, 'This is Manchester, 14 songs from the North West' on Castle Communications/TJM Records. (see images) Any communications people can have to contribute to the book please get in touch via Facebook to me - Richard Watt or Tony Davidson, we are both friends on FB. Kind regards , stay safe and #StayHomeSaveLives

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