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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by sinuf_mood


Iron Lung

The first Iron Lung line-up pre 'Capalula' and before Howard abandoned 'Cactus Bill'(his violin) in favour of assorted wind instruments. Sbilts at the back on Iron Guitar, me on drums and in dressing gown, Landmark on sax. Whatever we're playing is probably still on reel to reel tape!

Latest Discussion

“We used to wear Mufflers and waistcoats a lot in those days. We used to partake of Snuff until I realised it was tobacco based. Howard , who had horrendous Hay Fever produced a constant stream of brown snot during that phase. We were reared on Bassetts Sherbet Fountains which we then sniffed in our teens after seeing Easy Rider at Burnage Cinema so it was a natural progression from that.We were Anti-Fashion victims.”
03 Aug 2007
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