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Added 5th June 2007 by Robin


Kings Hall (Belle Vue)
18th October 1974

Ticket for Roxy Music gig at King's Hall, Belle Vue on 18th of October 1974.

Courtesy of Kevin Cummins

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“with the Sadistic Mika Band as support. Me and my mate used to buy the cheapest seats we could, then sneak into the bar at the side of the stage 'till the main band came on, the theory being that everyone stands up and rushes the stage, trouble is, no one did on this night, still, we managed to find to great seats right at the front,”
18 Feb 2008
“I would have loved to be there. What sort of capacity was Belle Vue?”
18 Feb 2008
“huge capacity, not sure of the numbers, there were several tiers. Our tickets were usually the top tier, with the excuse of "I have to find my sister who's on her own down at the front, she's forgot her key, we'll only be a minute" it always worked...
We used to leave school at the last break, get changed and head off, we managed to get in via the stage door on numerous occasion and help 'set up' Slade and Quo being a couple of the ones I remember. At this Roxy gig, as we knew the layout, we got into the back stage area for about 1/2 hour just prior to going down. (there was an entrance on one of the middle tiers)”
20 Feb 2008
“omg this was one of the first gigs i ever went to when I was 15.. Jerry Hall was one of the roxy girls doing backing vocals and Bryan Ferry was dressed like a lieutenant.. it was an amazing gig... cheers

28 Jun 2008
“I remember at the Parliament gig that no-one sat down anyway.The entire audience stood on the chairs so you had to or you couldn't see and everyone was bouncing about as well. It was so hot that people were passing out from lack of air !”
29 Jun 2008
“Ah, what a great concert that was, my second Roxy concert, Preston Guild Hall the year before being my first. I seem to remember climbing down from the circle, to get to the front for the last couple of songs. Didnt they do a medley of three songs, all mixed up? Has anyone got a bootleg of the concert, what i would give to re-live that night,
09 Oct 2011
“I was also at this concert and managed to get Bryan Ferry's autograph after waiting round the back of the hall. He came to the rear door with a lady on each arm (one was most likely Jerry Hall although I didn't take much notice at the time as I was too eager to get his autograph). I loved this venue as there was no hassle involved in getting autographs for my collection including The Who.”
26 Oct 2011
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