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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 64 new artefacts, 18 new members, 11 new people and places.


Added 5th June 2007 by sbilts


The Men Of 992

These are stills from a video hence the strange quality. This was a gig on August Bank Holiday 1986 memorable for the tail end of Hurricane Charlie lashing Britain. We were standing in pools of water on the back of a flat bed lorry in torrential rain. There were loads of bands on that day but it was a washout. After our set the Zans played and about 5 minutes into it a car screeched to a halt and a guy ran out and leapt onto the stage and dragged the mic stands over and tried to unplug everything. The" Bastions of Morality"hauled him away. Court cases ensued The council served the Landlord of the 3 tuns pub with a noise abatement order and the P.A hire bloke sued the irate punter for damages. It turns out he lived 1/2 a mile away and they couldn't get their kiddie off to sleep because of the din. The summons was on the wall of the pub for years after until Arnie nicked it. They demolished the pub to make way for a car park. The pics show Top..Sbilts and Arnie, Centre..Pete Gallagher in a mask with flashing eyes, Bottom..Nick Berry ...Dave Moss did some guest Sax for us ...Quote of the day.."Pass me a towel mother,the snows have come" (Arnie 1986)

Latest Discussion

“I have some photos from that day somewhere. Will try to dig them out.”
20 Jul 2007
“nice one Nett why not upload some of the,"Out of Town" Fanzines before they become parchment also....”
20 Jul 2007
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