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Added 5th June 2007 by sbilts


Fruiting Bodies
Bakers Vaults

This is Jim Morrison of Fruiting Bodies at a recent gig in Stockport....Jim teaches guitar at Alligator Music in Heaton moor. Fruiting Bodies have been around a long time and have a chequered history. Most of the songs in their set seem to slag off Bury for some strange reason. They also have a studio in Prestwich

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“Alligator Music is one of the dying breed of music shops where you might pick up treasure ,last year I got a "watkins rapier 44" for £25 ,needed a bit of work..but know use it quite a bit.
The A6 (stockport Rd ) has always had guitar shops. Stuart Browns Music shop,1st near the Bowling alley(now the huge Nawaab restaraunt) then he moved to next to Mc Vities.
What was the name of the Guitar Shop with the Harley Davidson Motor Bike in the window,That was an aladins cave of old bits of kit ,The guy should have been working in a Marrocan Souk,you had to 1st convince him he was a shop and that it might be a possability that he would sell anything at all to you. I bought a horrible double neck made out of budget guitars that didnt match ,took me a few visits to wear him down.
Peters Swap Shop was another soarce of musical treasure in Levenshulme in the 70s,Swapped my reflector Telescope for my 1 st guitar there in 73, nearest thing to a pawn shop..Jazz and Jewelry..amps and Tretchycov paintings.
Johnny Roadhouse use to be on the same vibe ,more like a house clearence store with a musical bent.
Also similar was Levenshulme Market (on the site of the old Sunblest Bakery,behind the Palace Cinema) Great mix of Video Nasties ,lounge music and ex brass band instruments.”
“Re: Fruiting Bodies - sbilts is mistaken. The songs do not "slag off Bury". they just happen to be based on incidents and sources that occured when the band members were living in that area.
The songs attack modern day values, like obsession with property and DIY; consumer sensibilites, or lack of, and the mega store culture; man-made religions and charlatans and religious opportunists.
Lyricist Jim Morrison describes himself today as an Evolutionary Darwinist but seems, like many of his generation, to mourn the passing of a more spiritual and literate society, hence the many Bible references for those who listen closely.
Whatever, Jim, Pete and Phil can playbetter and more imaginatively than your average fifty-something rockers and are well worth checking out.”
“The lyric" The Rock's made of nothing but shite" sounds pretty damning to me but you seem to know your Fruiting Bodies sir. I'll ask Jim to clarify next time I see him. I totally concur about the fact they knock spots off most of the other bands of advancing years and they are definitely worth seeing.....”
“Missing apostrophe - see me. Have we had a drink sir ? Fruiting Bodies fill a huge gap in the Manchester music scene, it's a shame that they are not more widely known, or maybe it's merely a lack of suitable venues for their talents.”
16 Jun 2007
“See the mention of Fruiting Bodies on one of the photos of Melissa Sinden that I've just posted on the Big Block 454 page.”
16 Jun 2007
08 Apr 2009
“Just uploaded some Fruiting Bodies footage from a gig in 2004. can be found on Youtube, I have also added the offending apostrophe as previously commented on by Anal Furniss to avoid offending music itself if in doubt leave it out, Blah Blah. The link to Youtube is hopefully”
15 Nov 2009
“Ahhh The Fruiting Bodies. Are they still surfacing ? In my failing memory there are flickering scenes of an enchanted night in The Two Tubs where 'Tess' handed out vegetable provisions to the thankful throng like alms to the poor whilst Pete & Jim played laments of rusts, smuts and heartrot. Somewhere I have a pamphlet from the 'Kingdom Number 3' premiere at the Derby Hall. Oh my aching leg........”
01 Apr 2013
“They may Bury your Fruiting Body, but they cannot diminish your inimitable spirit.

R.I.P. Jim.”
17 Oct 2014
“Indeed. We will never see his like again, but his spirit lives on here.....(and elsewhere!)”
19 Oct 2014
“'Here's one for you!' - classic lyricism from one of the most original and talented outfits known to mankind. We (Beat Science) have had the pleasure of playing with them on several occasions. Not appreciated by everybody but adored by many. A truly great band. I am still waiting for their Justin Bieber tribute CD!
Cheers all
Bolt Upright (aka Kurt Reply)”
30 Oct 2014
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