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In the last 30 days the archive has grown by 57 new artefacts, 12 new members, 4 new people and places.


Added 1st March 2019 by Kevin Geraghty-Shewan


Dislocation Dance, Dr Filth, Manchester Musicians Collective, Freudian Slip, Outer Edge, The Play, Me, Myself, I
Cyprus Tavern
1st March 1981

Old flyer for gigs at the Cypress Tavern in March 1981 - it was clearly a photocopy and time (38 years) have caused it to fade! I was at the Freudian Slip/Dr Filth gig and saw Crispy Ambulance at the same venue on the 8th

Latest Discussion

“Wow! This looks ancient.”
01 Mar 2019
“The text had really faded so I had to push the image to get it to show up!”
01 Mar 2019
“I don’t think that is a photocopy, it looks like it was done on a ditto “machine”. They used them in the the pre photocopier days at schools they were done on a large machine with print rollers and they smelled of a weird chemical and the prints had a blue purple tinge. Am I showing my age?”
07 Oct 2020
“Used to love going to the Cyprus Tavern back in the late 70’s early 80’s. usually to kick on after the Poly shut at 11 in those days”
07 Oct 2020
“Abdom - I remember using something similar at school where I wrote on a piece of paper with a carbon sheet underneath which was facing the back of the paper so left an imprint of what I'd written on the back. This was then used on a roller to make half a dozen copies”
07 Oct 2020
“I cant remember how the flyers were produced, but its good to see a few have survived. I used to see the guitarist (Dave)? from Dr Filth on the TV, he must have become an expert at something. Don (Dr Filth vox) was a familiar figure round Burton Rd, always told me he worked in Withington mortuary, maybe just winding me up.”
01 Mar 2022
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